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Sun Yat-Sen University
135 Xingang W Rd BinJiang Lu, Haizhu Qu


Oct 29 2018 - Nov 02 2018
This event has passed.


8:00 am - 5:00 pm

11th Sino-French International Workshop on Contaminated Soils

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LIA ECOLAND Workshop 2018
The 11th Sino-French International Workshop on Contaminated Soil Remediation:
Innovations for the circular economy by recycling secondary resources

October 29 – November 2, 2018 Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou/Shenzhen, China

Organizers: Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU), University of Lorraine (UL) and the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)

Context of the workshop: the joint lab ECOLAND, created in December 2015, is the outcome of a fruitful cooperation between two laboratories, the LSE of the University of Lorraine (UL) and INRA and the LEPCRT of Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU), around pollution issues and remediation of soil and water. The LIA ECOLAND project is to help restore value to territories marked by persistent pollution, and to support the development of ecosystem services through the implementation of appropriate strategies for the management of polluted sites and soils. The LIA ECOLAND leads many projects and supports the exchange of researchers and young talents. It is also the gate for other partners and allows the creation of innovation opportunities not only in the field but also in other related fields.

Objectives of the 2018 workshop: in an economic and environmental context where the circular economy is becoming increasingly important, the LIA proposes to organize the 2018 meeting on the recycling of territories and abandoned secondary materials in order to develop innovation and new French and Chinese scientific and industrial partnerships for the creation of new activities in these sectors. This approach is starting to be developed in France, and particularly in the Environment and Agronomy Division (EA) at INRA and at the University of Lorraine (UL) within the framework of the LabEx “Ressources21” and the OTELo (Geosciences) scientific clusters, and EMPP (Energy, Mechanics, Processes, Products). It is also under construction at SYSU, with the recent recruitment of a large number of scientists, who offer a wide range of skills in this scientific and technological sector. The aim is to analyze value-added sectors and abandoned secondary resources (polluted soils, waste, sediments) by focusing on end-products with a high added value intended for industrial use. For example, a polluted soil generally perceived as a handicap, may also be recognized as a source of materials that can be recovered and / or support for the production of biomass that can be recovered by bio-refinery. The workshop will promote interactions between scientists and companies and should stimulate Franco-Chinese partnerships (research projects, creation of new activities).


General program: the workshop will be organized around the following themes:

  • Global environmental changes, demand for raw materials, scarcity of resources, criticality of strategic elements;
  • Strategies for sustainable management of resources and ecosystems:
    • ecosystem services;
    • circular economy;
    • nature based solutions;
  • Secondary resources:
    • definitions, typology;
    • potential;
    • inventory and valuation prospects;
  • Recycling of degraded and polluted territories:
    • requalification of degraded soils and control of pollution;
    • biomass production strategies for industrial use;
  • Recovery of strategic elements contained in contaminated matrices (soils, sediments, waste):
    • by agromine (coupling biology-process engineering);
    • by physical and hydrometallurgical separation;
  • High value products from waste recycling:
    • The market for recycled materials and compounds and its prospects;
    • The bio-refinery applied to urban and industrial waste;
  • Recycling channels – industrial innovations:
    • Soil remediation;
    • Restoration of soil functions;
    • Recovery of metals by agromine;
    • Recovery of waste.

Process: The workshop will be held during the week of October 29 to November 1, 2018 at Sun Yat-sen University in Canton. Two days of scientific exchange (communications, posters) are planned for the Canton campus. Then, two more days will be relocated to Dongguan, in an environmental industry group, and to Shenzhen, on the new SYSU campus. In addition to presentations of positioning strategies and innovations of companies in the field of circular economy, recycling and production of very high value materials, visits of companies will be organized in the field of depollution and recycling as well as the High-Tech sector to present approaches that led to industrial successes.

Participants: The workshop will bring together colleagues from the two LIA laboratories. It will also include members of the 111 project submitted and accepted in 2017 for five years, whose objective is to support the internationalization of Sun Yat-sen University by relying on a group of international experts (France, Netherlands, Germany, United States). In addition, as for previous workshops, it will be open to partners of both laboratories, including the two scientific centers of UL, Otelo and EMPP, the LabEx “Ressources21” and INRA units engaged in this field. In addition, the workshop is also intended to mobilize French and Chinese companies to promote interactions with research. On the French side, Véolia, which has signed a framework agreement with INRA and which is present in Guangdong, SoléoServices for soil remediation and two start-ups from LSE (Microhumus) and LSE and LRGP (Econick) are expected.


October 29-30: Scientific reports (Guangzhou)

October 31-November 1: Technical tours (Dongguan, Shenzhen) November 2: Post workshop meeting Note: List of speakers to be finalized.   |

October 29 |  Morning session (The Swasey Hall, SYSU) Opening Scientific report 1 – Global environmental changes and demand for raw materials Discussion: Scarcity of resources and criticalityof strategic elements Afternoon session (Kaifeng Hotel, SYSU) Scientific report 2 – Strategies for sustainable management of resources and ecosystems Discussion: Opinions on recycling of secondary resources Scientific report 3 – Recycling of degraded and polluted territories Discussion: Opinions on Recovery of strategic elements contained in contaminated matrices |

October 30 | Morning session (Kaifeng Hotel, SYSU)  Scientific report 4 – High value products from waste recycling Discussion: Opinions on the market for recycled materials and compounds and its prospects Afternoon session (Kaifeng Hotel, SYSU) Scientific report 5 – Recycling channels – industrial innovations Discussion: Opinions on recovery of metals by agromine: why it is important? |

October 31 | 09:00-17:00  | Trip to Topcent Environ. Group Ltd., Dongguan A technical tour to Topcent Environ. Group Ltd. in Dongguan, Guangdong Province is arranged to visit pilot works and demonstration project for recycling secondary resources. The tour will be sponsored by Sun Yat-sen University |

November 1 | 09:00-17:00  | Trip to Shenzhen Campus of Sun Yat-sen University A technical tour to Shenzhen Campus of Sun Yat-sen Unviversity in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province is arranged. Round-table is scheduled for sharing innovative recycling technologies and the pathways for start-up companies’ growth. Visit to pilot works and demonstration projects is also included. The tour will be sponsored by Sun Yat-sen University |

November 2 | Post-workshop roundtable discussion: Joint lab research summary and next cooperation

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