Graduate Student Forum 2019 | Seoul
3rd IIES Graduate Student Forum
| Korea University | November 11-12, 2019
The IIES is pleased to announce the upcoming IIES Graduate Students Forum held this year from November 11-12, 2019 at Korea University. The forum is co-hosted by Korea University and Nanjing University with support from the IIES. The forum will allow graduate students from IIES member universities to meet and discuss environmental research from various perspectives. Students with give short 5-minute presentations with two slides maximum to present an overview of their research in a way that many people will be able to understand. This is analogous to the three-minute thesis events that are now common in many parts of the world (see: https://grad.ucalgary.ca/files/grad/3MT-student-handbook.pdf for a description). Greater emphasis will be placed on the discussion groups and talks from faculty and industry representatives, rather than the research results of an individual’s projects.
The forum will be held in conjunction with the 5th Annual IIES Science and Policy Workshop taking place at Korea University from November 13-14. Participants interested in attending both events must register for the workshop separately. Registration fees will be covered for all IIES participants.
IIES travel grants will be available to students from participating IIES institutions. Preference will be given to students who have not participated in past IIES activities. Recipients of Graduate Forum Travel grants must attend the 5th Annual Workshop.
VENUE: Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
DATES: November 11-12, 2019
THEME: Environmental science and policy
PRESENTATION: 5-minute oral talk (max 2 slides)
REGISTRATION FEES: Free of charge for IIES members
TRAVEL SUPPORT: IIES travel grants will be available to students from participating IIES institutions. Preference will be given to students who have not participated in past IIES activities.
ACCOMMODATIONS: IIES will cover accommodations for travel grant recipients from November 10-15 at the Euljiro Co-op and Residences.