Phuquoc Feature


Ho Chi Minh University of Technology
268 Lý Thường Kiệt, Phường 14, Quận 10, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh City, Vietnam

Other Locations

Mường Thanh Luxury Hotel
Phu Quoc


Oct 27 - 28 2022
This event has passed.


All Day

IIES Member Registration Fee


Graduate Student Forum 2022 | Vietnam


This year’s graduate student forum is co-hosted by IIES and Ho Chi Minh University of Technology (HCMUT), held from October 27-28 on the island of Phu Quoc in Vietnam. The forum will allow graduate students from IIES member universities to meet and discuss environmental research from various perspectives. Students with give short 5-minute presentations with two slides maximum to present an overview of their research accessible to people from different research backgrounds. Greater emphasis will be placed on the discussion groups and talks from faculty and industry representatives, rather than the research results of an individual’s projects.

The forum will be held in conjunction with the 7th Annual IIES Science & Policy Workshop taking place at Ho Chi Minh University of Technology from October 24-25. Participants interested in attending both events must register for the workshop separately. Registration fees for both events will be covered for all IIES participants. If you are joining from a non-member institution, a registration fee will be charged, and travel and accommodations will be at your own expense.

IIES travel grants will be available to students from participating IIES institutions. Preference will be given to students who have not participated in past IIES activities. Recipients of IIES travel grants must attend both the Graduate Student Forum and the Annual Science & Policy Workshop. Please register separately for these events.

VENUE: Mường Thanh Luxury Hotel, Phu Quoc

DATES: October 27-28, 2022

PRESENTATION: 5-minute oral presentation (max 2 slides)

REGISTRATION: As with all IIES events, the cost for IIES members is FREE. Those joining from non-member institutions must pay the registration fee and cover their own travel and accommodation expenses. Registration fees include all event meals.

TRAVEL SUPPORT: IIES travel grants will be available to students from participating IIES institutions. Preference will be given to students who have not participated in past IIES activities. Opportunities are limited, please register early. Grants will be issued on a first-come-first-serve basis to students from IIES member institutions.

ACCOMMODATIONS & TRAVEL TO PHU QUOC: Hotel rooms will be covered for IIES supported students during their attendance at the Annual Workshop and Graduate Student Forum in both Ho Chi Minh and on Phu Quoc. The flight from Ho Chi Minh to Phu Quoc will be covered for IIES members. You are responsible for arranging your flight back to Ho Chi Minh City or elsewhere following the event.

FIELD TRIP: A field trip on Terrestrial vs. Marine biodiversity is scheduled for October 26 on Phu Quoc; this trip is optional. Please indicate on the registration form if you plan to attend. The cost is free.

HEALTH AND SAFETY: The health and safety of our participants are important to us. During the Science & Policy Workshop and Graduate Student Forum we will be following the latest COVID guidelines.

Special Note for Chinese Participants: due to the travel restrictions for our Chinese partners, a virtual meeting will mirror the in-person events for both the Workshop and Graduate Student Forum. More information and details to come.

Graduate Forum and Workshop FAQs

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