July 1-3, 2018, University of Edinburgh hosted the Institute’s 4th Annual Science and Policy Workshop. The Workshop was held at the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation. This year we had over 90 participants from 11 international universities and institutions. Starting the sessions off were our plenary speakers: Mr Andrew Bissell (SunAmp Ltd), Mr Max Carcas (Caelulum Ltd), Mr Ed Craig (ECCI), Professor Sébastien Sauvé (Université de Montréal) and Professor Hao Zhang (Lancaster University). Following these talks, students and faculty presented their research in parallel sessions, topics included: low-carbon energy systems; academic innovation and engagement initiatives; sustainable technology & economic strategy; ecosystem impacts of emerging/persistent contaminants; materials re-use/recycling, carbon capture & biochar applications; air pollution: human health impacts and perception & risk; novel technologies & environmental processes, environmental protection & management; aquatic system modelling & management; land-atmosphere interactions; contaminant sources & fate; and novel wastewater treatment methods.
The workshop provided an occasion for students and faculty from top environmental institutions to engage with innovative leaders in research, government and industry. The outcome of our annual workshops helps to form linkages and create pathways for IIES members to further their research at home and abroad. Currently, we have four post-doctoral fellows working with collaborative groups from various IIES universities. This opportunity allows these students to be supervised by two or more faculty from coordinating universities, expanding the scope and diversity of their research. A great example of how the IIES is fostering cooperation and collaboration between our partners.
The IIES is pleased to announce that next year’s workshop will be held in the Spring 2019 at Nanjing University in China. We look forward to seeing you there!