IIES NEWS | Issue No. 4 | January 2022

IIES News Issue 004

We are pleased to share IIES NEWS issue 04, our quarterly newsletter showcasing IIES events and opportunities for member faculty and students.

If you have a news story you would like to share, please email Julia: .

Here is an excerpt from Issue 04:

Director’s Message

Professor Douglas Evans

As I write this message, we are entering our third year of the pandemic. Most of us expected that the virus would have started to subside by now, and life would be returning to something like pre-pandemic norms. However, it has become clear that the SARS CoV-2 virus has other plans for us. Nonetheless, being an eternal optimist, I expect that the pandemic will give way to a “new normal” in the not-too-distant future in many parts of the world.

Optimistically, within the IIES, we are planning in-person meetings for the coming year, with options for those who are either unable or not yet ready to travel to participate virtually.

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